Secure your path and learn a trade! Our industry has never been in more need of people than right now! Wages are extremely competitive! Year round work!!

- Starting from $15-$25 per hour!!!! (Depending on experience, ambition, etc)
- Paid Holidays for full time individuals!
- Fixed work schedules with flexibility available.
- Small family business work environment.
- Tasks may include: Harvesting animals, cutting carcasses, trimming bones or cuts, sausage making, wrapping meats, loading out orders, cleaning work areas, interacting with customers, and LEARNING!!! There is much to be learned about this skilled craft!
- Clean up position is available for someone looking for extra evening work.
- Clean up pay is $50 per night for 1-3 hrs of work depending on days production.
Contact Dutch Valley Meats today!! Lets see if this would be a fit for you! Ask for Seth or Loren. 217-543-3354
Good day! I'm Mr. Jay ryan redondo 35 yrs. Old single and from the philiphines. I saw the post about the hiring butchers and clean up up staff. Im very interested about the position to hire sir/madam. Im certified butcher in 7yrs. with tesda certifiacate vocational course slaughtering operation procedure.. Im willing to apply sir/madam. I hope thi message will find you. Thank you ang Godbless you.. My email account: thank you!